A variable annual plant, reaching a maximum size of 4 x 2.5 ( usually under 3 x 1.5 ) feet, bearing very showy, single to double flowers, ranging from 1.5 to 7 inches across. The flowers are borne all summer long and continuing until autumn frosts..
The ovate leaves, up to 5 inches in length, are luxuriant mid green.
There are also many dwarf forms that only reach up to 16 x 12 inches in size.
They are valuable both for bedding plants and containers.
Zinnia thrive in full sun on just about any moist, fertile, well drained soil. They must be planted out during spring after the threat of frost has passed.
* photos taken on July 31 2011 @ Hyde Park, NY

* photos taken on August 2 2011 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Sep 3 2012 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 22 2013 in Towson, MD
Zinnia grandiflora ( Prairie Zinnia )
A tough, low growing perennial, reaching up to 4 inches x 1.5 feet, that is native from Arizona to Colorado; south to New Mexico. It emerges late during the spring when hot weather arrives so planting with early spring bulbs is recommended to extend the season of color.
The intense yellow flowers are borne late summer into autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 9 in full sun to partial shade on very well drained soil. It is extremely heat tolerant and also drought / wind tolerant. The Prairie Zinnia is rabbit and deer resistant.
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